Fixed the bug Bold and Italic commands in director. Implemented Email Rendering Engine with category of bugs patched for Outlook users and Mobile Users. Fixed HTML button TinyMCE which was hidden in director. Fixed the links popup TinyMCE for IE11 in director. Fixed compatibility file with WordPress 3.9 TinyMCE in WordPress Posts edition page was broken. 2.5.5 2013-08-05. fixed concerns file with WordPress 3.6 and jQuery. fixed general retort to email settings not used to sign report email. fixed wild. 2.3.2 2013-02-20. fixed menu file for manual newsletters. fixed output in subject of cron problems. fixed wordpress subject gallery pagination. fixed experience on some users with PHP running as FastCGI.. 1.1.3 2012-03-31. fixed unsubscribe link redirection. fixed not common file preventing Mac users from uploading images. added Norwegian translation. added Slovak translation.. Unsubscribe. link text in footer. choose which role can edit subscribers. preview of journal in year and not in popup. added number to choose from excerpt or article on inserting WP post. management with API. 0.9.2 2011 12 12. fixed issue with synched users on multisite page synch its users only. fixed concerns issue with wordpress 3.3 thickbox z-index. fixed issue with obsolete messages when plugin import. fixed number display..
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