Install MainWP Child Plugin on all your WordPress sites.. Connect all your WordPress sites to your MainWP Dashboard... Connect unlimited number of WordPress sites to your MainWP Dashboard.. 1-Click Admin Access. Manage all users from all your sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard... Browse our catalog of MainWP Extensions for successor, marketing, SEO, maintenance, security, monitoring and other tools to help you build good cable. MainWP Extensions are WordPress plugins that seamlessly bundle with your MainWP Dashboard.. As solution, you install MainWP Dashboard plugin on your WordPress site and not on our not public server... store that information on their servers, Are you sharing all the information about your page or your users sites.. It's our belief that with WordPress management solutions that are hosted on the developer's servers or contain encodeed code that you can never truly know how that information is being useed or even what information about your sites is being gathered and stored.. As solution, you install MainWP Dashboard plugin on your WordPress site and not on our server.
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