You can use iBlogger to manage blog softwares including WordPress it works great with iPhone iPhone 3G and iPod Touch. iBlogger allows you well manage blog including power to add pictures categories and tags.. You can well write edit and delete your posts and drafts for many blogs.. BlackBerry.. WordPress for BlackBerry. Write new posts for WordPress blog edit content and manage comments with built-in notifications all on Android device.. Features upload new post like champion content tags and many categories with WordPress terms upload image and thumbnail customizable thumbnail raise application to publish soon or save as draft.. Microsoft Windows Mobile.. WordPress for Windows Phone 7. WordPress for Windows Phone 7 makes not hard to manage blog or page while on the move. Wordmobi is S60 for WordPress written in Python for Nokia mobile phones. Scribe allows you to create edit and publish entries on WordPress-powered from something using just handset. Scribe is in first stage of development and completely stable. it uses Python for S60 you will need install Pythod for S60 before installing Scribe.. It automatically transforms WordPress blog into web-application record when viewed from iPhoneTM iPod touchTM AndroidTM or BlackBerry StormTM touch mobile device. WPTouch has best admin application board. WP Mobile Detector is WordPress plugin that detects mobile medium and displays mobile qualify mostly for mobile device..
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