Anything related to study and academics can be uploaded in few steps, add whatever color or background you like according to your wish because this WordPress theme is customizable and too flexible to adjust in one's demanded frame..
On MasterStudy LMS, any quiz, criteria, programs and courses can be setup for the students, it's the easiest way to go about things.
Offline courses Many offline courses can be created with comprehensive details so students can seek guidance from it and learn the courses at the time of the day.
The lesson plan and tool is utilized to create lessons for students. One can locate part of lesson through Search by Lesson.
In every lesson there is very fine 'questions module where students may ask questions and get their answers on quick prompts or they can also slog through FAQ.. .
The instructor bio can be read out and accessed through his her profile page where the bio and details of the instructor is written.
Messages, any important notices and announcements and two-way communication has become possible to keep tough and upgraded with latest news and statements reports in this Learning Management System WordPress theme.. .
Loading Speed Optimization Masterstudy has been optimized for speed, with perfect page loading score on, GTMetrix, Pingdom, YSlow and Google PageSpeed..
Multilingual & Translation Masterstudy is 100% WPML compatible, you may publish your learning courses with all the relevant materials for the students, this theme will help you manage all the stuff on fingertips..
Masterstudy is created Training Center, Courses Hub, eLearning Business, College, Academy, University or School.
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