I was blown away by the support of my sons Eagle Scout project. the Search community just came together and made it one of the House of Refuges most successful toy drive to date.. I am lucky enough to call him a friend and a mentor and without question if we had more Matt Siltala's in the world of Search marketing we'd all be much more proud of the company we keep. Most will know him for his remarkable beard & awesome slide decks but if you get the chance to speak with him at all he's one of the most likable down to earth helpful and positive people in our industry. I love you brother and can never thank you enough for the ways you've helped me in times of darkness. Matt Siltala Bio Mat Siltala is an online search industry leader and founding launcher of Avalaunch Media. Polite helpful honest and open he is quick to offer assistance or just an encouraging word to anyone who shows themselves willing to listen and learn.
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