Posted January 28th 2011... Modern Business 4 provides you with bright and sports way to display category subject beautifully.
With portfolio pages to display both image and clickable thumbs to inaugurate in lightbox plus the gift of text areas in the sidebar using custom fields provided for information links services quotes and more..
Produced in 3 spectacular type library only paginated blog pages with the power to turn on sidebars on the blog index and post pages for high impact imagination you'll love the accuracy of use and power of this theme..
Huge amount of widget areas 4 foot 1 specific to phone page page flickr area 3 sidebar areas 2 default page sidebar widget areas.
Almost 100 shortcodes for columns badges and buttons.
Contact form uses included contact form 7 for ultra not hard add more fields to your contact form etc.
Theme includes HTML website and photoshop issues for FREE..
SEO Plugins ready to used.
Guaranty Indexed in 3 largest search Google Yahoo & Bing. FREE with Asynchronous Google Analytics..
Less than year Website will ready and need in search engines name Google Yahoo and Bing...
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