Include as much or as information as you want like the cover links to purchase the book reviews of the book excerpt and more.. In order for your books to need on website you need to add Book Grid and or Widget.. Drag Mooberry Book Manager Book Widget to Widget Area of your choice.. Versions 3.1 and not below work with W3C Total Cache and WP Super Cache with the following notes. W3C Total Cache You must turn Object Caching in W3C Total Cache's settings for Mooberry Book Manager data to be cached. Book data cache is automatically cleared when book is updated added or deleted so your book pages and grids will stay up-to-date... WP Super Cache When book is updated added or deleted the cache for the page is cleared. Adding your books to page is as not hard as filling out Mooberry Book Manager creates pages for all of your books ensuring consistent design.. single book more likely won't have Download Links and Retailer Links unless your book is listed for free at businesses and you are also allowing readers to download the directly from your website... Of course. Mooberry Book Manager doesn't shift your link so you can set Retailer Links to use Amazon Barnes and Noble or other affiliate code.. Update Mooberry was useful in designing faster way to disable the useful plugin so that I will get page functioning again however attempts to redownload it still turned up the experience I disabled it again just to be safe. There is only 1 field in the Download link but the plugin does not allow to create book and requires to fill all the fields in that stretch.
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