This small and lightweight plugin just adds some missed and very useful admin links to Toolbar Admin Bar in Multisite installs and even page installs.. So you will just switch from the backend or frontend of page to 'Network Wide Plugins or access 'Nav Menu Settings of blog. Add Custom Nav Menu to the toolbar WP Menu great for employment for your staff members or other resources. FAQ for more.. Idea Behind Philosophy Just lightweight plugin for all Multisite Super Admins out there to make daily cable admin time easier. In Network Dashboard cable activate the plugin through the Network 'Plugins menu or in roof per-site activate this plugin through the Site 'Plugins menu. Design > Menus. best if using the page of your Network for that and assign it to Multisite Toolbar Menu. location visible & accessable for Super Admins.. As the plugin is only indended for Super Admin Network Admin usage that's the way to go. Single install The WILL also working name charm for non- Multisite installs just without the specific stuff. Just drop me note on Twitter @deckerweb or from my phone page and I'll add the link if it is useful for Multisite Super Admins... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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