As with everything we do Never Settle is fanatical about simplifying user service to naked and not maximum sacrificing the configuration going on behind the view. NS Cloner will take any present site on WordPress multisite cable and clone it into site that is identical in theme & theme settings plugins & plugin categories content pictures videos and site settings. Unlike tools NS Cloner supports cloning the page ID=1. There are also global tables that apply to the page and NOT to the page. The Cloner automatically subtracts international tables out of the door that they don't get cloned to all your new sites. But tables for other cable level plugins that don't apply to the animal could still get distributed by the Cloner due to its manufacturing and tendency to be informed of the table structure of each plugin out there. We always try to help but we cannot propose support to users for this Free version especially related to cloning the page do to the potential difference involved from resources to environment.. Select the. template. site you that want to clone type the name of the site and put in its Title. Organizations which provide. member. sites and want to be able to reduce the site flip time to almost nothing.. Designers who want to be able to create many versions of sites to test and play with theme designs in parallel with having to re-install all the same plugins and base themes over and over...
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