It's fantastic way to add the social spark to your store or create store for Your Community.
Both ENABLED default so make sure to announce that to Your Community that whenever they make purchase there will be equivalent post created on stream..
And that's point. The biggest adventage of using embeded products is that it's to just buy that product.
The phrase made purchase can be tightened in the configuration in the backend of PeepSo > Configuration > WooCommerce..
Above that we'll have the text of the review and the number rating from WooCommerce is translated to stars.
The phrase wrote review can be tightened in the configuration in the backend of PeepSo > Configuration > WooCommerce..
Welcome to loose shopping record where users like when visiting the store don't have to leave the aspect of page.
The basic settings name available tabs display in User Profiles and or books the settings for the activity stream posts.
The ones worth mentioning are Add 'other as text for user to write the reason for report. So that users can only write the reason for report. Login 'remember me rechecked default.
Brought to you Eric Tracz I'm Digital Nomad currently living in Kuala Lumpur. Co-Founder and CEO of
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