Would You Like to Be Able to Take Credit Card Payments on Your Website.. You can send them invoice and then include website address to go to where they can pay their invoice right on your website. Online payments are easy for people to make and you'll collect more donations if people can go to your website to make donation. Customers are able to pay their invoices online, make payment, make donation or even sign up for subscription .. To get this set up, we'll need to take look at your website and see what software it's running. The money then appears in your checking account either the next day or day or two later .. you'll need to apply for one so you can take cards like Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. then you'll need SSL certificate on your website and you'll also have to make sure your website host is PCI Compliant. single page to collect payments is different than having website with shopping cart. We can also help you set up shopping cart with products on your website if you need that and it's separate from payment page..
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