It's no secret that Google's latest speed update has refocused lot of SEO on the importance of load speed, both from SEO and user experience standpoint..
Google's own research also backs up the thoughts of many SEOs, leading to higher bounce rates and dissatisfied user journeys and negative brand experience..
With this in mind, here are some of the ways you can adapt your mobile site to improve page load speeds and benefit from not being slow website within Google's search results pages..
clear, organised design that allows for conversion is key to the success of any landing page, free of marketing buzzwords and terminology.
This improves efficiency and if the user does not scroll down the site has saved bandwidth not having to load all page assets..
The lazy load is noticeable and you have to scroll really quickly to catch grey square before the image pulls through, not impacting user experience at all..
Reducing the file size of your images is quick win in improving page load speed, as you're essentially reducing the size of assets to be loaded.
There are number of ways this can be done, and one of my preferred methods is to implement Cloudflare, and making use of both Polish and Mirage..
That being said, large and bloated font files can add latency to page load speeds, and site performance and user experience..
making the granular changes that Google is looking for wo not have the biggest impact ..
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