Page scroll to id requires WordPress version 3.3 or jQuery version 1.7.0 or high and topic and will have wp head and wp footer part. The plugin is recommend default on WordPress Menu links so you can start adding custom links and set URL to the id target you want to scroll to.. Perform search for 'Page to id and in search results double-click 'Install Install Now under plugin name.. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins in WordPress... I was having problem with gallery obscuring the scroll-too stretch of hill page and tried all sorts of HTML tricks and then after little research born of prevention came across this beauty. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Extended underline and target classes with additional ones in order to differentiate the first and last categories. You can also use .mPS2id-highlight-first .mPS2id-highlight-last .mPS2id-target-first and .mPS2id-target-last in order to target the first and last underlineed links and targets in CSS.. When recommend the plugin will keep the current link target underlineed when the first one comes from view games always stays highlighted.. Removed the hard-coded plugin URL in order to patch errors of pointing.js issues to not right location...
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