In the first everything that messenger does on site usually tracked in tools has been completely separate from the actions they take as phone to list. You could also send last chance broadcast email in send to these who you know visited the price page but didn't purchase... You've been able to do this inside of emails by showing blocks of content only to subscribers. If subscriber is tagged as interested in products we could add call to action into blog post to get them to buy it... Or if we have them tagged as being at of beginner level we could add responses on how to get started in knowledge base article... final example is language learning blog could store the language subscriber is learning in tags and then individualize the experience experience based on that.. First when messenger subscribes to one of your forms WordPress ConvertKit ID is includes in server. Second anytime they follow link from ConvertKit email ID will be added as URL parameter. . So even if visitor subscribes on computer but then later double-clicks link on their phone both medium will have the ID... Then go from ConvertKit account settings and turn on URL parameter to keep the subscribers and visitors in sync...
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