The plugin takes service of the obfuscation implementing methods focusing usability so as to protect email addresses from harvesters while keeping viable to human visitors.. The plugin replaces email address locate in posts pages comments and excerpts and replace them by bit of scripting that will deceive email harvesters john replace the parenthesis by @ When the plugin is activated it will replace them by html dangle that explains how to deduce the email address and if javascript is available 99.9% of the time the email address will be displayed as clickable mailto link. Additionally there is Settings screen Email Protector allowing you you to individualize the text that is displayed as replacement to the email address... Additionally there is Settings screen Email Protector allowing you you to individualize the text that is displayed as replacement to the email address..... I was able to resolve that your removing the mailto link and keeping only the email address and that worked absolutely. In many browsers moving the pointer to the link will give you popup that displays the email address followed by. mailto...... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Added the application to specify what will be the visible of the email by adding title predict to the Anchor.. Stable version. variable.. patched folderpath file because of the not right foldername the source generates for the plugin -.. v.1.0.0.
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