This plugin looks at the volume of posts in books tag the volume of posts year day-of-the-month day-of-the-week number of words-per-post and the number of years from posts. Lists and line graphs can be smuggleed to new post to show the change in books tag and custom taxonomy posts over the years. The latest feature is the. Date Range. page which used field to the data on the main page.. Tag. and. Custom Taxonomy. pages allow the user to filter results and smuggle the data into HTML and line graph.. Upload the folder to the wp-content plugins directory or install the plugin through WordPress. plugins screen directly.. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins screen in WordPress.. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Added link to Settings page from WordPress Plugins page.. Limited the height of the lists to small than the height of the year. Removed DIR that limited the plugin to PHP versions 5.3 and above...
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