At the top of content director there are buttons for fast access to these metaboxes Add New Questions Edit Questions and Scores Edit Formulas. It allow to see if someone will have many passings from smartphone device. You can reply which columns you want to see there and how many passings per page you want to see.. Get Test Result. button allow many answers per question show number of answered questions and show one question per page.. Results page also can be clear when you need to show hide scales or test terms on it when you want to show scales chart or sort scales by scores sum.. Plugin tested on more than 30 combinations of WordPress from 3.2 to recent and PHP from 5.2 to 7.0 plus custom combinations for MySQL MyISAM with popular plugins and in multisite mode. So you can be sure that it will just work even if you don't have the latest WordPress or your hosting doesn't have the latest versions of PHP MySQL. For Turkish translation thanks to Islam Kurtuldu and Ufuk Luker http ufukluker. com. For Dutch translation thanks to Jacha Heukels info@orthomanueeldierenarts. nl and Patrick van Kerkhof patrick@metavoor. nl. Respondent will be deflected to custom built URL s where you can pass as params scales results and result key. URL could be single for total test or individual for each result..
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