Receive SMS when WooCommerce order is completed.
sale should be famous forever checking your price stats isn't great way to spend time.
Instead stay completely up-to-date with WooCommerce store with this Zapier integration.
The automation will send registration of any new orders your store receives giving you details of the order itself and even linking you directly to it..
How this WooCommerce- txtNation integration works.
order is placed in WooCommerce. Zapier sends SMS notification of this order txtNation..
Apps involved. WooCommerce. txtNation.....
Use this Zap... WooCommerce is WordPress eCommerce plugin that transforms WordPress website into fully included eCommerce store.
Send customer and information from WooCommerce to Zapier.
Note this service requires WooCommerce Zapier Extension that is available for purchase on the woothemes. com extension store..... TxtNation is SMS message service.
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