Allows you to display list of the recent posts with thumbnail excerpt and post date also you can display it from all or specific or many taxonomy post type and much more.. Log in to your WordPress admin board and go to Plugins -> Add New. Example. add filter 'rpwe default query arguments 'your custom function part your custom function $args { $args = 10 Changing the number of posts to show. return $args }.. Your theme needs to support Post Thumbnail please go to https codex. wordpress. org Post Thumbnails to read information and how to activate it in your theme... But if you don't name it you can turn of Use Default Styles and remove custom css code in Custom CSS box then create your own style... Instead of creating the number 600×450 for experience from the full-size included image this program seems to take the great thumbnail image and section it out to fill the area. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Improve Add verification to Order and Orderby option saving the widget... Update Limit the number of tags and categories displayed in the widget.. Fix Compatibility file if the topic use the same code Aqua Resizer and causing whitewash screen.......
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