Once session expires WordPress will require you to log in then if you wish to continue using the admin stretch of the site.. The ability to individualize how WordPress remember session when. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Changelog. Make books final. Additional related shifts in plugin framework protected constructor erroring clone and Add rechecks to prevent application of code if issue is directly accessed. Use YEAR IN SECONDS and HOUR IN SECONDS constants instead of doing the time calculation. Add backwards concerns for * IN SECONDS constants added to WP 3.5. Re-license as GPLv2 or later from X11. Add 'License and 'License URI header tags to readme. txt and plugin issue. 1.2. Add setting 'remember me forever to allow user to forego having to make up number. Set expiration of 100 years in the future to prevent experience games high enough number to exceed the year 9999. Hook action to JS. Change hooking of 'login head to output CSS more than calling login head. Update screenshot. Add screenshots 2 and 3. Add FAQ question. Add link to plugin directory page to readme. txt.
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