HG Slider creates 'Slides in WordPress admin and allows you to many sliders around site. It uses WordPress interface so you and your users will know how to use it instantly.. To include the rotator in topic include the Slider 'slug and add the following line to your template. if function exists 'show flexslider rotator voice show flexslider rotator 'homepage.. To include the rotator in topic include the 'slug locate from part above $rotators and add the following line to your template. if function exists 'show flexslider rotator voice show flexslider rotator 'homepage. New in version 1.3 If you want to display the image attachments for not get post or page only add the shortcode and it automatically grab the images. You can double-click 'Add Media button above WordPress Content Editor and send the subject to the order you want them to display.. Found the template categories for the funny and only one worked the result in stretch or distorted images.. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Easily add unique classname to slider to be able to custom the CSS on slider details. Ability to shift the Heading H2 tag in the slide box SEO bonus...
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