Displays Salat Namaz timetable on for games around the world based on variety of calculation tools usually used in arab state. project of Islamic Online Media An extra-ordinary Islamic of Bangladesh based pure tawheed and sahih sunnah.. License. This program is software you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License as published by Free Software Foundation version 2 of License or at option any version. This program is shared in the heart that it will be useful WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the guarantee of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received record of GNU General Public License along with this program if not write to Free Software Foundation Inc. As Islamic Center catering to the unification of Muslims Alhamdulillah that so diverse schools of thought are included in these calculations.. 4. The Hijri I would change to 'Days of 'Hours but people are already implementing this so no need to change I use -24hrs intead of -1days.. Jazak Allah Khair for all of hard work..... I developed umrah and hajj page and used this for menu Prayer Time.. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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