In this tutorial we'll show you how you can combine our player plugin AudioIgniter with WooCommerce to create playlist that allows users to add individual tracks to their cart... Each track will be product that will be hidden from the catalog view order to avoid cluttering the shop listing pages. We will start by creating WooCommerce product which will be the album, this can be product. This will hide the product from the shop pages and it will be in search results, in case someone looks for it. After visitor clicks the buy link the product will be added to their cart and they will remain on the same page. If you would like them to be redirected to the cart page after adding the product replace the Buy link with this cart. Once you are done adding all your tracks to the playlist, publish it, get the shortcode and paste it in the description box. Now once visitor clicks the buy link on the playlist they'll get that particular track in their cart, easy peasy... add-to-cart= ID. also the add to cart opens new page each time you add to cart.
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