Posted February 21st 2011... SharkLight is WordPress Theme increased with XML Flip Book AS3 of the three top selling number of all years ActiveDen.
It has been build from the scratch on top of new WordPress 3.0 Almost everything you see on the page is well customizable from the WordPress installation no coding skills required.
Main Features.
SHARK LIGHT THEME wordpress 3.0 Flash JQuery and CSS3 enabled. cross server support FireFox IE 6+ Safari Chrome Opera. Flip Book component described in the second stretch.
SWF resize enable disable -The SWF will be number to fit the page or will be centered on the page. full screen option. application disable the zoom for each book separately.
Bigger image can be provided will be loaded when user zooms the page. double double-click to zoom. slide show. drag part for book's corner. full book preview well go from all pages.
SWF and image support. cool tool tips and alerts. unlimited pages. downloading port book as PDF. first shading. smooth transitions and animations. ActionScript 3.0....
Less than year Website will ready and need in search engines name Google Yahoo and Bing...
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