The theme allows users to post games they can do for moving price and other users can. The theme helps user to mark their posting as included and show them on the page in return you can charge them for the same.. The developer offers detailed guide with the topic to study and configure any feature you need. Homepage and other areas are customizable also if you find risk you can phone the seller and they will you the terms. Special custom post for Task Job. custom jobs post are provided with the object to post micro-jobs well with jobs details price state. Posting games with regular post reformat is time intense service and user feel it boring to work with chinese post. The owner or seller will get general spotlight page and job control roof this stretch enables them to reviews job postings finished jobs active jobs etc. You will find plenty of topic in the market with low price but not of them are cramed with in-built payment support for all the payment system. The theme allows users to login with facebook id hence they can share and name games posts with their friends on facebook. The script supports google street-view map feature so you can show games and also configure google analytics to view the books report on website..
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