Want your images to switch according to the need variation. Smart Variations Images for WooCommerce makes adding custom images to variations breeze.. Instead of upload image variation upload all the variation images to the gallery and for image choose the equivalent slug of the variation on the dropdown.. The image in the gallery when double-click will show in the image above.. Lens Zoom in action activate it in WooCommerce > SVI Smart Variations Images... For EACH image assign the variation to be used for the variation images exchange. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Fixed file to prevent image to inaugurate in whitewash if no lightbox is activated for variable and single images. Fixed file with thumbnails when not in order of appearence in gallery update the send with main would not work correctly thanks to @jamblo for reporting. Fixed minor file with thumbnail exchange with main not changing link for prettyPhoto Zoom thanks to @wzshop for reporting.. Fixed file with variation categories not showing up thanks to @jamblo and @Sandeepy02 for reporting.. Fixed file with Safari when when switch the image the image doesn't render properly...
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