Oct 17 2013 Matt Posted in Design Featured 2 Comments Need stylish new design for Ghost blog.
Allow me to introduce your theme which is usually port of the I made for Jekyll based on Solarized palette.
It includes stylesheets for the default light-on-dark version and for the alternate dark-on-light one...
The theme is responsive with bit of JavaScript that collapses the navigation into box on mobile-sized displays.
It supports both uploadable logos which replace them text-based heading at the top and cover subject.
Your bio and spotlight picture need in the sidebar when viewing post page as well..
Installing the Theme.
Upload the directory to Ghost blog's content topic folder..
Go to Settings page of Ghost backend and select solar from the Theme dropdown.
You'll probably want to yank the link to your own Twitter spotlight instead of leaving it as smelt and really add your social networking profiles.......
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