Edit or create page on blog which includes one of the shortcodes... for the monthly calendar. for the version of the monthly calendar. for the upcoming events list. for the list of today's events. If you see this experience deactivate then re-activate Spiffy Calendar plugin to attempt to correct the database..... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Improvement display WP db message event edit fails to shelter in diagnosing the problem. New option to display message if events are locate in Today's Events and Upcoming Events list. Improvement default the author on new events to the logged in user of first in list.. Improvement Add CSS rule to the payment to help avoid conflicts with other plugins CSS. New Screen application to set number of events displayed in the director list.. Improvement Deleting event will longer delete the image it will remain in the Media Library. This automatically if you use WP updater but you just pirate the files FTP you will do this automatically to insure the directory is updated...
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