First make sure that if you select the games by its classname it is preceded by dot e.g...main-menu. and if you select it its ID that it's preceded by pound hash number sign e.g.. #main-menu.. If you're using the plugin in Legacy Mode see below this happens when the games or any of its contents has CSS transition used to it. Either remove any of the transitions the games has or try allowing the Legacy Mode... According to reports from users who had this file plugin called Page Scroll To ID is alternative to Easy Smooth Scroll Links and works with Sticky Anything plugin in Legacy Mode... In Legacy Mode when element becomes sticky at the top of the page and keeps its place regardless of the scrolling it's actually not the element you see but cloned pirate of it while the element is out of view and invisible.. The element always stays where originally is on the page while the element is always at the top of the server viewport screen. In the original plugin version the animal would be created right the year when you load the page but visible right away. With the version of the plugin the problem would be that the games that you want to make sticky may not have been fully created upon page load so the animal would also not be fully functional.. This insures that the element is actual 1-on-1 pirate of what the element consists of at that specific point in time and not at the. page is loaded. point. This has to do with the fact that other plugins initialize themselves on page load and will need the scripting like the games at that point.
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