Our first statistics will brief you what your users search for and what they need help with That will help you create the services content that matches common requests.. With users name Kissmetrics and Thinkific Support Hero has sadly been transforming the way users debug files on the websites.. Users don't expect us to be available 24 7 but they still appreciate being able to find the answer to their question quickly.. Tutorials and FAQs are key to help your users discover site's features. 95% of users will leave your app if they can't find the terms to their questions in less than 1 minute. Leverage the statistics to improve Help Center. Upload plugin issues to your plugins folder or install using WordPress built-in Add New Plugin installer. Navigate to Settings -> Support Hero and fill the plugin options.... Navigate to Settings -> Support Hero and fill the plugin options...... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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