Programmer bloggers writing Second Life and using Linden Scripting Language LSL categories on WordPress sites also tend to have issues in displaying LSL properly that it can be well distributed & pasted it happens to me all the time. Fortunately there is way Viper007Bond wrote SyntaxHighlighter Evolved which has not hard support for additional languages. This is what this plugin does it just extends Viper007Bond's plugin with fuss.. It is tree designed to work with SyntaxHighlighter Evolved WordPress plugin written Viper based on SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript package Alex Gorbatchev. To be able to use this brush you will need SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin installed.. To underline LSL code only wrap it between and tags. CSS Styles are as different as possible to what SL Viewer 2 displays but you can choose the normal movie as well too.. Instructions follow the same outline as the asm-brush brush for SyntaxHighlighter Evolved developed by chlankboot and the plugin structure itself is as suggested Viper007Bond.....
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