SEO is form of marketing and just like any good marketing program, you need to understand certain things before you can be successful with it.
One way to look at it's that you should have clear understanding of the.
The knowledge you have before you start your SEO program the more likely you are to build something that will be long-term success.
Where do they sit in their organization and how much power do they have when it comes to implementing changes for SEO program.
The more you know about who you trying to reach the better you can build your SEO program to meet their needs and expectations..
Knowing what your customers needs wants are helps you write better content.
SEO does not end once searcher comes to your site, you need to continue to guide them through the onsite buying process and turn someone from searcher into lead into customer.
huge part of having SEO program means managing expectations — you have to know when you should expect things to slow down so you do not think the world is coming to end when really it's just part of doing business..
How people search is important because if you do not understand how people look for information regarding your services products than SEO program in the world will never get off the ground you could be betting on the horse.
It does not matter what you want to be called what you think your audience calls you you need to know how people searching.
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