All they know is they want to be to build their page soon. After they memorize how to start blog, the first question I get is . As simple as it may seem to someone just starting out, how you reply your blog is very important.. What's even more important to know is that it is much different today than it was just few years ago.. How you reply your blog and how it flows for users is very important.. The User Experience and ease of use of your blog is to your blog's success.. User Experience and flow equals more, and sales.. Plus, it is SEO factor.. Google wants users to be happy when they visit your site.. Google has shiftd category in the way they approach competition and because of this, Topic focused Search Engine Optimization now plays role in how you need to reply your site.. Media sharing and reach is way down as of the starting of 2018 and Google is now #1 in send again after taking back seat the last 2 years to social.. There's method to the pleasure that will show you why this all works to optimize your blog for SEO, except for leads and price as well..
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