In the light of scandals that reach the light of day it's hard to feel safe and secure when using that platform.
Chances are that you reading this article because you have seen link to it on your Facebook feed.
You like pizza and went on vacation let's say to Bali Indonesia.
You send your users to those Facebook groups where Facebook gathers all the data they can dream of.
You have dedicated even closed Facebook group get access to you and share their comments, thoughts etc.
With all communication and interaction kept within your website and in it your own community there's definitely less risk for your competition to snatch them right out of your grasp..
Facebook's feed is so full of noise, ads, shares, cats, gifs, babies, game invites and all of the other things I ca not even think of right now.
Instead of taking people away from your site and bringing more commodity to Facebook groups, fan pages etc, create your own social network with PeepSo today.
Brought to you by Eric Tracz I'm Digital Nomad currently living Kuala Lumpur.
Do not have Bundle except you would like to have access to all current and future plugins hassle-free..
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