It has evolved the future is clear and JavaScript will be the language to use for building apps, websites and server-side software.
Web and server frameworks such as Node.js, Angular.js, Meteor.js, React.js, and Ember.js have all defined the possibilities of JavaScript as language, and platform that can help build scalable applications and software without having to invest in learning new technology..
Whilst it's preferred to learn JavaScript with mentor by your side, the first few steps should be crucial to take on your own to get full taste of what this programming language has to offer and how you feel about writing JS code, you can start seeking out more guidance to help you with creating your own projects..
Codecademy is great place to start because it offers variety of challenges and tasks that will test the limits of your knowledge about JavaScript, especially as you progress through the couple of introductory stages.
This is one of the most talked about JavaScript books on the web, and not because it's free or reliable, except because it provides insight into JavaScript and how to JS as true and native programming language.
The book is divided in three different parts, first part focuses on the language, the second part takes look at how JavaScript interacts with the browser, and the last part dives deep into Node.js and what it entails..
JavaScript is Sexy has become somewhat of standard for beginner and intermediate level programmers to learn everything there is to know about the language through community, completion of challenges, and answering quizzes and questions about the things that you learning as you go.
JavaScript at Tuts+ consists of more than 140+ pages of tutorials, courses, ebooks and guides that will give you enough material to work with for many years ahead of you..
Interactive programming is always fun to learn, and Khan Academy has reputation for their interactive drawing platform that uses JavaScript syntax to help you learn programming and correct usage.
JavaScript course looks at frameworks like jQuery, Ember, Node, Backbone, Angular, and explores the syntax of CoffeeScript. It does all that while giving new developers chance to also learn about the basics of JavaScript.
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