Even though it's number, at years, hope of the uncertain might make you bit skeptical of buying plugin for your store.. you have come to the center place.. We have curated list of some of the excellent dynamic pricing and discounts plugins. Offer Table is available which would display the list of all the available discounts to the customers.. Customization of the location of the offer table.. Through the plugin's settings page, you can choose to either give the discount only on the regular price or even on Addon price... Product Addon support for Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Product-wise discount can be set up for. Beeketing for WooCommerce Beeketing for WooCommerce is WordPress plugin that supercharges your eCommerce site with powerful features — it's the more comprehensive marketing toolkit for WooCommerce you'll ever need. They have way to set up international discount rule for all the available products and nonetheless, it's there.. Pricing Deals for WooCommerce This plugin has number of features which explains its 7000+ active installs..
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