Fastest way to create Gallery from your subject. Ideal if you have number of images and you shift images of Galleries fequently. Easy and Gallery image shift will no impact WordPress database and issues. Create inside WordPress installation where you will keep all Gallery subject. Create Sub folders for Gallery and add subject you want in that Gallery.. You can search from WordPress Dashboard Udinra Image Sitemap and double-click install to install it.You can also download it and upload it to server wp-content plugins directory and extract the zip file... Step to common issues faced so please read the documentation send services ticket.. https udinra. com docs books auto-gallery-pro. Plugin description page and plugin configuration page provides you with steps but in subject of confusion please read the documentation.. You can search from WordPress Dashboard Udinra Image Sitemap and double-click install to install it.You can also download it and upload it to server wp-content plugins directory and extract the zip file...... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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