The information that has been captured on the product page will be carried over to Cart -> Checkout -> Order & Email.. Apart from that these admin fields can be configured to show on the front end product page as well with the specified values. Well using WC Fields Factory now you can even override the product price based on the field's value given by the user when adding to cart also you can add to Woocommerce Fee based user value.. Translation config added for Cloning Group Title Setting Page. 'wccpf cloning fields group title filter added to override the cloning group champion text. Enable plugin access to Woocommerce Shop Manager role.. Date and Colorpicker file Variation & Product cat page fixed.. Now cloned fields Also if you recommend Editable on Cart application will be rendered on cart & recheck out page by Field Factory itself so exsisting users will experiance some movie shifts Cart & Checkout.. Admin Select field shows wrong value Product Front End page file fixed. i18n support for Field's Label now you can create fields Arabic Chinese korean.... Rendering admin fields product front end support added By default it's you will have to enable the application for each fields for product page cart & checkout page and order meta. Show & hide on cart & checkoput pge application added for hidden field. from V1.2.9 we using Fileinfo module to validate issue uploads using their mime types. Display Cart & Checkout. option Setting page file fixed...
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