The new feature is called Auto Block SPAMMER IPs and in nutshell it allows you to automatically and soon block IP addresses. When IP address has been blocked by this feature soon means that the messenger with that IP address will never be able to see the content of your site.. The beauty of this security feature is that it works in balance with them name Akismet and any other plugin. All you need to do is double-click the check box to enable this feature and then clock the number of data comments after IP address is blocked soon. You will also note the terms box which shows you the number of IP addresses. View Blocked IPs. to see list of IPs which have been soon blocked as shown in the number below... . Of course sometimes there may occasions where you will want to unblock an IP address or group of addresses. You can do that easily by either hovering over ID of the entry or using the checkboxes and. Auto Block SPAMMER IPs feature will be tools for combating spammers and other epidemic who aim to deface page with impossible spam.. This feature will be available in the version of All In One WP Security and Firewall plugin.
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