This does require Apache mod rewrite module which is probably installed if you have custom permalinks and modification of your.htaccess issue. Content Delivery Network CDN is usually network of software located around the world that will serve the content of faster by using servers close to you. This means CDN will download the automatically from server when it's first requested and will continue to serve it for length of time before downloading it from your server.. WPCACHEHOME must be set in the file wp-config. php and point at WP Super Cache plugin directory.. seems at the end of each page. You can delete wp-content advanced-cache. php and reload the plugin settings page or edit wp-config. php and look for WPCACHEHOME and make sure it points at the folder. Set the variable $htaccess path in wp-config. php or wp-cache-config. php to the road of your global.htaccess if the plugin is looking for that issue in the directory. The function that hooks on to the filter should be put in file in WP Super Cache plugins folder unless you use the late init feature. To patch this the plugin needs to use Javascript AJAX tools or the filter described in the answer to update or display dynamic information... There won't be cached page so WordPress will serve fresh page for user and the plugin will try to create cached page for each of these 100 visitors causing small load on server. For some reason the plugin thought the post was in draft mode and then because it only rechecked the same post only when the post magically became published the cache wasn. t cleared.
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