Works with base64 encoded published and JSON dangle values. With WP Table Pixie you can find out what is really going on with WordPress settings and metadata.. Your settings and data tables hold almost all the settings that administrate how WordPress site looks and works and if them aren't working very as expected best to be able to year into these experiences center in site's admin dashboard.. Rich View takes clumsy dangles of published or JSON data and turns them neat expandable lists of key value pairs easy to read and understand.. Also with Rich View you can blast from those opaque base64 encoded values WP Table Pixie decodes them to show you JSON dangle or object hidden within.. Multisite Support. The usual search and sort configuration you expect from admin page are there to help you find the records you need like filter links to switch from seeing all application or sitemeta records permanent records only or lasting only... Users of the two plugins didn't name having two plugins that did the same thing for different tables and wanted them smushed together.. There's also been bunch of bug patches and application improvements since the last releases of Options Pixie and Meta Pixie..... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Undefined stdClass $related id. experience when returning to page and application table remembered...
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