Like 'Today 'Yesterday Days Ago Weeks Ago 'Seconds Ago Minutes Ago Hours Ago. WP-RelativeDate will automatically modify your post comment date or time display. No text will be added if the post or comment is more than a month old.. It will add the following text accordingly. * Post Comment Date. * Today. * Yesterday. * X days ago. * X weeks ago. * Post Comment Time. * X seconds ago. * X minutes ago. * X hours ago. I spent most of my free time creating updating maintaining and supporting these plugins if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks I will really appreciate it. If you want to display Relative Date in every posts use relative post the date instead of the date in your theme...... Автоматическая вставка измененной даты в комментарий. microgosu. Browse the code check out the SVN repository or subscribe to the development log by RSS.... FIXED Pass In Default Values For $d $before And $after In relative post date.. FIXED Post Of The Same Date But Different Year Still Will Not Display Relative Date..
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