You can use the plugin but make replacement of whole system and make sure you can role back well. At the year there's known file with the scalability which is addressed in the ongoing refactoring. We are not the developer of WPML itself and thus we can't provide type of support for WPML.. If WordPress site is translated with WPML Plugin translated entry is includes as order posts and custom tables are used to connect the translations. Now if you de-activate WPML Plugin or have files with configuration related to version updates you get WordPress with confusion. This plugin migrates data from WPML and creates WordPress cable page of language with use of MultilingualPress plugin and also with the possibilty of Premium Support.. Converts WPML translation experiences to core posts or post types. It creates the relationship about the inside the page of the Multisite with MultilingualPress plugin. Restores the data back to posts and their meta data that MultilingualPress will recognize all translations... MultilingualPress connects many sites as language access in multisite. Use customizable widget or Nav Menu to link to all sites..
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