2. Hover over Plugins in the sidebar and double-click Add New. This will pull up Stripe Authorization page that allows you to connect WordPress to Stripe account or create Stripe account if you don't only have one. This will pull up MailChimp Authorization page that allows you to connect WordPress to MailChimp account. In the need box choose the list you want reader to be listen to and double-click Save Changes button.. Now you need to create the thank-you page. Hover Pages in the sidebar double-click Add New set the page champion to Thank You and set the url to thank-you. You've added your you're beautiful darn general if you ask us.... STEP 3 ADD BUY BUTTON TO PAGE POST.. Hover Pages in the sidebar and double-click Add New.. If you will name to style the button recheck out the list of WPMerchant shortcode parameters WPMerchant. com you can add books classes to button to style it with CSS.. Use 4242424242424242 as the number 333 as CVC and date in the future for the expiration date.. You should see Thank You page that you created first with the nice thank you Message once the marketing is complete. Click on Payment tab and select Live as the Stripe Status..
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