Includes config file director to add support for custom terms that moves all the config files to folder to don't overwrite the files when updates the plugin.. It is the good complement for WPeMatico back with Full Content addon to indicate to extract the full contents and place it on in the feed.. Can be used to save the excerpts for new posts of WPeMatico services or to parse the excerpts of all posts of page when shows them in your front-end page... As it sends the contents to account allows to publish contents automatically through account from your WordPress with WPeMatico to any third subject or Content Management Services that can reads emails... Other contributions such as new translations or helping other users on the forum are welcome.. nikolovtmw has reported Deprecated Synchronous XMLHttpRequest and provided the code to solve it. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Fixes Simplepie stupidly fast always set to true but set to true as first value.. Added feature to Keywords Filters to take one or all words to skip keep post... Also now you can move the config files of page to the folder to prevent files from being deletedwhen upgrading plugin.. Professional Add-on. Removed the requirement to upgrade Remember deactivate PRO version before upgrade.
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