When you compare WordPress to Weebly the easier to use platform is Weebly. WordPress does not offer drag and drop feature so it's little more complex to use however on WordPress beats Weebly out hands down when it comes to features and options... widgets and cool effects on your website and you want to get it for free or low cost than you want WordPress.. Getting the support you need to ensure great build is easy on WordPress because it's BUT and it's BUT you likely will have to pay to get some help with WordPress because it's complex. On the other side of the coin is Weebly where it's so easy to build website that you do not have to look for anyone to help you do it.. There is also lot of free tutorials and information on both Weebly and WordPress with WordPress in the lead when it comes to offering information. One of the biggest problems with Weebly is if you want to use plug ins or tools that are not of Weebly design than you cannot use them. You can pay for themes from WordPress and you do not have to, you will have to pay for host for your site if you opt for WordPress. If you do have little experience and are willing to learn AND you want all the bells and whistles then WordPress is for you. If you want something more sophisticated than WordPress is the platform if you want something that is simple and elegant that is easier to create then Weebly is the platform to choose...
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