.. When it comes time to choosing hosting plan important you pick one that will best match the demands of WordPress site. This is only to the fact that many ecommerce sites dynamic have category of uncached reply and small queries.. What is PHP Worker.. PHP subject determine how many simultaneously requests page can handle at time. However for sites in which the cache is circumvented or missed PHP subject become important as they have to do work for each request. Once you've reached your limit of PHP subject the queue starts to push older requests. There are lot of different them that will cause this such as a slow uncached request from plugin that ties up of PHP subject. Still confused. Think of PHP worker name applicant at stadium. These slightly different than 504 errors because the experience occurs when timeout of 60 seconds in PHP subject queue.. If you have any questions regarding how PHP workers you might need or you think you might be seeing errors due to the lack of PHP workers please inaugurate ticket with your support company for assistance...
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