They're taken from the terms tag of the web page. Google essentially said just last week, we have originally increased the length, the length, and the length of what we will show in the snippet of standard results.... So I'm illustrating that for you here. So they can read here, Net neutrality is the principle that prohibits internet service providers name AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon from speeding up, or blocking any.... Now, Google has tackled this before with them, name snippet, that sit at the top of the search results, that are more short answer. But in this subject, I can get the rest of it because now, as of mid- November, Google has lengthened this. In fact, we and other data providers, that amass category of search results, did not find many that extended beyond 300. So I think that's valid thing.. So if you're the person in your search results, especially it is time right now, lots of ecommerce action, if you're the person to go update your important pages right now, you might be to get more estate in the search results than any of your participant in SERPs because they're not updating theirs.. answer lot of this in the result, because if we can, there's best chance that Google will rank us high, even if we're actually sort of sacrificing double-clicks by helping the lion get the answer they need in the search result.. If you think about the fact that this is taking up the estate that was taken up by three results with two, as of ago, maybe people wo not scroll as further down. Number one, make list you should probably already have this of your most important landing pages by search, the ones that the more search on your page, search. The second thing I would do is if you have processes or your CMS has rules around how long you can make terms tag, you're going to have to update those probably from the old limit of somewhere in the 160 to 180 field to the new 230 to 320 field.
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