you may end up hurting your website over the long-term..
In this article, we'll give you introduction to black hat SEO and why it does not pay off.
For example, you used to be able to fill your pages with the keywords you wanted to rank for, and get them displayed among the top spots on Search Engine Results Pages.
Your traffic can die suddenly due to single update to algorithm can tank most of your traffic..
It leads to content. In our experience, the types of sites engaging in black hat SEO are not usually too concerned with quality, ...
The concept is to find articles targeting the same topics you want to write on, then rewrite them just enough so search engines wo not notice they're essentially the same content.
the same rules to markup as they do to the rest of your content.
you should be getting backlinks without having to shady arrangements.
there are plenty of white hat SEO alternatives you can try without succumbing to the dark side. 6.
The right approach, in this case, is to include links to your website whenever they're relevant and not tack them as afterthought to your comments.
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