.. On the other hand if you're talking about MySQL database that sits on server then server is the. localhost. in that scenario.. That means that in order to avoid confusion to register domain like that contains. localhost. in the top-level or second-level domain name.. Because the page live on the localhost easy for users to test them hope of breaking something on website that will be receiving books. There are number of general and WordPress-specific tools that you can use to create WordPress environment. Here are of the development tools for WordPress. DesktopServer WordPress-specific solution. In 99% of type WordPress database will be located on the server as the rest of WordPress site's issues. For example what DB HOST in the wp-config. php issue looks name for WordPress installation Kinsta. Similarly if you're using plugin name Duplicator to migrate WordPress website then you can only enter. localhost. when the plugin asks you to enter the Host value for directory. Remember for not hard to remember what localhost is just think of phrases like. this computer. or. the software this program is running on..
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